Band Shit

I am getting into the swing of things playing guitar in Mala Sangre. I have played a good number of shows with them, am preparing to record in the coming weeks, and supposedly we are getting ready to go on tour on the east coas after our LP comes out (hopefully by late spring).

While I am totally stoked on it, this is the first time I have been in a really "active" band since Asshole Assassination Squad. American Lies still plays, but finances have put a hold on playing far away and recording/putting out things. Since AAS, I have taken on a lot more responsibility in my personal life (I'll leave it at that), so leaving to go on tour for 3 weeks sounds amazing, but a little overwhelming at the same time. I have to save money for that in addition to Comic-Con and Amber and my vacation to Seattle in the summer. Also, I will (hopefully) have a new job as an EMT by then, so getting all of the time off might not be as easy as it is now.

Either way, it is great to actually feel like a member of a band again. It's great to feel like we have a purpose and a direction. We are working toward something that we all want, which is something that I have not had in the other bands I've been in recently. I guess we'll see how it all unfolds......

San Diego Comic Con 2008

All right everyone, here are some pictures from SDCC '08. I will post some more words afterward.

*The city street right in front of the convention center was blocked off for the most part due to the heavy pedestrian traffic.

*My girlfriend and I waited for about 6 hours on "Preview Night" in order to be in the first group of people let into the exhibit hall.

*The badge.

* The Exhibit hall filled with over 125,00 people pushing their way through each other. Fun.

*The Ghosbusters The Game booth was pretty fucking awesome. There was slime flowing down one of the walls and people were able to play the new game months before it comes out.

*One of the screen-used prop monsters from Feast 2 (on display at the Weinstein Co. booth).

San Diego Comic-Con 2008

I am gearing up for this year's Comic-Con. I'll be heading there next Tuesday and will be staying until Monday. It is stressful to get everything planned out. Amber and I went last year and got our eyes opened as to how HUGE it really is and how many things you need to plan for. This year, we're thrying to get everything a little more sorted out.

*Hotel is booked.
*Tickets and purchased.
*Money is saved (and loans are taken out.....).
*Schedule is printed/reviewed.

There is still some stuff to do, but this weekend will be the time for that. This year looks pretty awesome, with the studios promoting some pretty cool films/comics/shows/etc.....

I'll try to keep this as updated as possible while we're down there to keep everything up-to-date. If anyone is going and wants to hang out (during what little "free" time will be left) please email me and we can get together! Until then, take care.